Pizzeria Da Gino

Opening hours (for pickup)Th: 17:30 until 22:00
Donnerstag Party-Pizzatag
Jede Party-Pizza 40x60cm nur 22,00 Euro
Available for Preorder
Every Thursday: 11:30 until 22:00
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Donnerstag - Pastatag
Alle Pastagerichte 1,00 Euro günstiger!
Available for Preorder
Every Thursday: 11:30 until 22:00
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Jeden Dienstag ist Pizzatag Mittel
Jede Pizza Mittel - 9,50 Euro
Not available
Every Tuesday: 11:30 until 22:30
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Jeden Dienstag ist Pizzatag Familie
Jede Pizza Familie - 12,50 Euro
Not available
Every Tuesday: 11:30 until 22:00
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Montag Gourmettag
Jedes Fleischgericht 1,00 Euro günstiger!
Not available
Every Monday: 11:30 until 22:00
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
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